miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

Future tenses (will-going to-pesent continuous) 1 BACH

I am going to explain the rules for the tenses we use in the future briefly in class but in case you fall asleep, get lost, or need to revise it at home, Have a look at the video.

Form: Will + Verb
Jane will be 16 next month.
She will not ( = won´t) be 16
Will you write to me?
 1 Certainty.
He will be 16 next week. 
Citroen will produce more cars next year.
 2. Prediction.
ll see him tomorrow.  ( Very commonly with  “ I´m not sure, I think, probably). 
3. Promises. 
ll write to you. 
 4. Offers
    I’ll get the bread for dinner.
Shall I ....?: Remember just 1st person
 Shall I carry that? 
 5.  Sudden decision
It´s raining. I´ll take a taxi. 
GOING TO + Infinitivo
1.         Plans or intentions
They are going to get married in May. en Mayo.  
2.  Prediction with evidence.
Look at the sky. It´s going torain. 
Present Continuous
1.         Arrangements in the near future (agenda plans)
 We are meeting Nadal next Saturday.

We will be practising that in both your student and workbook but there tons of exercises online  for you to go on practising like the one below.

You will find other posts in the blog about the future, have a look at the following if you still have doutbts;

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