miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

1 BACH Present Perfect Continuous 1 BACH

Just after the future (we won't spend too much time revising that) we will be paying attention to the Perfect forms. The firstt lines of Counting stars by ONE REPUBLIC are great to introduce the Present Perfect Contiuous. Sorry we are not going to listen to the rest of the song this time.

Can you understand what has been going on lately?

Lately I..............., I .............. ................ sleep
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby I ..........., I ............. ..............' hard
Said no more counting dollars
We......... ................ stars
Yeah, we............. ................ stars

There are great songs to practise the Present Perfect and I have used them all these past years and created posts for my students, so let's have a look!


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