martes, 13 de marzo de 2018


You can prepare your oral tests answering to questions like the ones below. There are lots more if you click on the link and really helpful tips if you are thinking to prepare FIRST CERTIFICATE EXAM.
Where You Live Now and Your Home Country
  • Is it easy to meet new people where you live?
  • What's the best place to spend a free afternoon in your town?
  • How expensive is it to go out in the evening where you live?
  • Could you tell me something about the area where you grew up?
  • Could you describe your family home to me?
  • What’s the most interesting place you’ve visited near ….?
  • Is there anything you would like to learn about your country?
  • Which area of your country would you like to get to know better?
  • What do you like about living there?
  • Tell us about a festival or celebration in [your home country].

domingo, 11 de marzo de 2018


Sorry I completely forgot. We will practise in class.

  1. Esa aplicación foi diseñada por unha xoven  de 14 anos.
  2. Importariache  mercar unhas verduras antes de voltar á casa?. Pode que as necesitemos para a cea.
  3. De que se fan as camisetas de fútbol? De plástico! Pódelo crer?
  4. Aprender unha lingua cando eres moi pequena axudarache na aprendizaxe doutras no futuro.
  5. Cantos móbiles se tiran ó ano? Demasiados. O planeta estase a destruir polo noso comportamento.
  6. Aínda non reservaron os billetes e queren que lles axudemos.
  7. Alguén viu o meu equipo de E. F. ? Dixeino na aula onte e non o vin dende entón.
  8. Botámonos a rir cando nos contaron aquel chiste.

jueves, 8 de marzo de 2018

We should all be feminists. 8th March International Women's Day

Last August I was coming back by train  from A Coruña when I met a dark skinned man in his early thirties. I  spent the really short time of the journey (less than an hour)   reading  Purple Hibiscus  by the African writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.  I was so much into my reading that I didn't pay much attention to the person next to me. It was only when my stop was announced that I closed my book and  he then said, looking alternatively to my book and to me, that we were reading books by the same author, which was certainly a weird coincidence. So he showed me the book you have below adding that it  had been  recommended by  his girlfriend. He had time to mention that  he was enjoying it as much as he had his "Way to Santiago". I felt sorry I hadnd't stopped reading before and  had a good chat with that man. But at least I thought I had a new book to read. 
During the last week I heard this book mentioned in several radio  programmes  so I think today it is the day to post about it.

You can  also listen to her in the Tedx Talk which was the origin of the short book shown above..

martes, 6 de marzo de 2018

Frances McDormand's Oscar 2018 Acceptance Speech for Best Actress

Frances McDormand ended her speech at the Oscars with these two words "inclusion rider" that refers to a 50% of diversity and inclusion in movies and that she explains in the following video.

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2018

The Lákazans- My Darling

This is a band from Boiro ( A Coruña). Some of you know the place since it is the small town where the Olloboi festival takes place.

My darling is one of the songs from their last work "Sandwina"I find it really touching. I love her voice and the video as well.


This is a website I find tremendously interesting for those who love cinema and want to improve their English. For those who love action and are fans of marvel super-heroes.

Some questions about the video coming soon.
And here they are!

1. What was the whole idea for this scene? Where does the director get his idea for the scene?

2. Where does the scene take place?

3. What terms does the author use to describe T'challa and his comrades?


A film you may like. Lady Bird. BACH

Lady Bird : Saoirse Ronan, a young actor with that fierce intensity, is a work of art in the film, a girl who knows both her strengths and her limitations. She has an Oscar nomination among the film’s five.

On the precipice of adulthood, Christine "Lady Bird" McPherson (Saoirse Ronan) does what any teenager would do: she lives by her emotions, is constantly searching for the cool people to be friends with, and tends to fall in love rather quickly. All the while, Lady Bird and her mom (Laurie Metcalf) are fighting regularly -- about money and nearly everything else. As she  can't wait to get out of her hometown, she  cooks up a drastic plan to to go to a sophisticated college on the East Coast. She will finaly realize that home is where the heart is.

A story told throughout her senior year of high school, Lady Bird is all about trying to fly, and the mistakes we make during each attempt.

jueves, 1 de marzo de 2018

Why I live a zero waste life | Lauren Singer | TEDxTeen

I have been looking to a few videos  about environment and how to help it.  I have found this may be of your interest.

What made her change her lifestyle?

What things has she done to help the environment?

What are the benefits of living her life?

Do you think you could follow her example?

Our Planet | One Planet. The Natural world. Unit 6

it is fantastic that NETFLIX allows us to watch beautiful documentaries like this one for free. The narrator, David Attenborough , his iconi...