domingo, 16 de abril de 2023

Count on me lip dub. Conditionals

I just love using this video to start explaining conditionals. My students were in 2nd ESO then ( that was 10 years ago so they are about to finish their degrees, maybe some are already working...) I have only kept track of some of them.  I hope they are all having as much fun as we had with activities like this one organised by the music teacher, Seso Durán.
If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,
I will sail  the world to find you 
If you ever find yourself lost in the dar and you can't see
I will be the light to guide you 

1st type conditional 

If + present tense (If you find), - future tense ( I will sail)

Our Planet | One Planet. The Natural world. Unit 6

it is fantastic that NETFLIX allows us to watch beautiful documentaries like this one for free. The narrator, David Attenborough , his iconi...