domingo, 27 de febrero de 2022

Explosions heard in Kyiv as Russia presses Ukraine assault

Fear starts to take hold on the streets of Kyiv (Kiev)

A few days ago, people all over the world wondered whether Putin would attack Ukraine. Most European citizens thought that wouldn't happen.

A few days after this video  we could start reading headlines like the ones below:

Fear starts to take hold on the streets of Kyiv 
Thousands of people are fleeing the Ukrainian capital, heading as far as possible from the border with Russia

miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2022

Tasks for 2 BAC B/E 5th/ 6th period

Read about The  Farm on page 47 and answer questions 3/5/6/7  . Choose one topic from exercise 8 and write a few lines about it (about 60-70 words).

Remember we will be correcting the  Translation unit  4  from your Virtual class  next Friday. So if time, start translating.

Tasks for this morning 4 ESO A/ B

 4 ESO A/B 

Do the questionaire on page 50

Complete exercises 2/3 same page    

Using your mobiles, try to answer questions about English- speaking countries in the post below.

Start reading the text on page 52 and do activities 2/3 for next Monday.

jueves, 3 de febrero de 2022

Our Planet | One Planet. The Natural world. Unit 6

it is fantastic that NETFLIX allows us to watch beautiful documentaries like this one for free. The narrator, David Attenborough , his iconi...