This blog has been created to share news, projects, videos and everything I may find interesting with my students. I will also upload their work and anything I consider useful for them to improve their English. Everybody is welcome. Formerly known as Englishasbarxas, I have now adopted the name of my new school: IES ROU. PALMIRA CALVAR
1. Pollution: Pollution of air, water and soil require millions of years to recoup. Industry and motor vehicle exhaust are the number one pollutants.
2. Global Warming: Climate changes like global warming is the result of human practices like emission of Greenhouse gases. Global warming leads to rising temperatures of the oceans and the earth’ surface causing melting of polar ice caps, rise in sea levels and also unnatural patterns of precipitation such as flash floods, excessive snow or desertification.
3.Waste Disposal: The over consumption of resources and creation of plastics are creating a global crisis of waste disposal. Developed countries are notorious for producing an excessive amount of waste or garbage and dumping their waste in the oceans and, less developed countries. Nuclear waste disposal has tremendous health hazards associated with it. Plastic, fast food, packaging and cheap electronic wastes threaten the well being of humans. Waste disposal is one of urgent current environmental problem.
4. Climate Change: Climate change is another environmental problem that has surfaced in last couple of decades. It occurs due to rise in global warming which occurs due to increase in temperature of atmosphere by burning of fossil fuels and release of harmful gases by industries.
5. Deforestation: Our forests are natural sinks of carbon dioxide and produce fresh oxygen Deforestation simply means clearing of green cover and make that land available for residential, industrial or commercial purpose.
6. Ozone Layer Depletion: The ozone layer is an invisible layer of protection around the planet that protects us from the sun’s harmful rays.
7. Acid Rain: Acid rain occurs due to the presence of certain pollutants in the atmosphere. Acid rain can be caused due to combustion of fossil fuels or erupting volcanoes
It was Katie's birthday on Friday. We know her mum would have organised a great party. We only managed to finish our last lesson 15' earlier and asked her to make a wish, blow the candles and have a bit of cake with us. She looked happy and surprised. Happy birthday katie!!!
Thomas More and Utopia Thomas More wrote Utopia in 1516, which was the forerunner of the utopian literary genre. More served as an important counselor to King Henry VIII of England, serving as his key counselor in the early 1500s, but after he refused to accept the king as head of the Church of England, he was tried for treason and beheaded (he died in London, England, in 1535). More is noted for coining the word "Utopia," in reference to an ideal political system in which policies are governed by reason. He was canonized by the Catholic Church as a saint in 1935, and has been commemorated by the Church of England as a "Reformation martyr."
In 1516, More published Utopia, a work of fiction primarily depicting a pagan and communist island on which social and political customs are entirely governed by reason. The description of the island of Utopia comes from a mysterious traveler to support his position that communism is the only cure for the egoism found in both private and public life—a direct jab at Christian Europe, which was seen by More as divided by self-interest and greed.
Utopia covered such far-reaching topics as theories of punishment, state-controlled education, multi-religion societies, divorce, euthanasia and women's rights, and the resulting display of learning and skill established More as a foremost humanist. Utopia also became the forerunner of a new literary genre: the utopian romance
ROSBIN is leaving this week. He is going back to Tegucigalpa (Honduras). As today was our last class with him, his classmates organised a small farewell party. Hector cooked some tasty brownies, María lots of delicious chocolate muffins and Ivan mmmh, yummy cookies. Others brought crisps, popcorn, chocolate bars...
Thank you for the food!!!
Katie!! You missed it! You would have enjoyed it! Sorry!!!
Os adxudicatarios da presente convocatoria serán os alumnos e alumnas, españois ou estranxeiros con tarxeta de residencia ou de estancia por estudos en vigor, de centros educativos do Concello de Vigo sostidos con fondos públicos que cumpran os requisitos que a continuación se sinalan:
Estar a cursar 3.º da ESO nun centro educativo do Concello de Vigo sostido con fondos públicos durante o curso académico 2018/2019. 2. Ter aprobadas todas as materias de 2.º de ESO. 3. Ter obtido como mínimo unha nota de 7 na materia de Lingua inglesa nas cualificacións finais de 2.º de ESO. 4. Estar empadroado no Concello de Vigo, con vixencia mínima dende o 01/01/2018 , dato que será comprobado de oficio pola propia administración. 5. Non ter concedida, no ano 2019, outra axuda coa mesma finalidade. 6. Ter DNI/NIE, permiso de residencia ou pasaporte en vigor cunha vixencia mínima de 6 meses.
Deberán solicitar as prazas os representantes legais (pai e nai ou titor/a legal) dos alumnos e alumnas.
Documentación, como participar, bases e anexos no seguinte link:
I discovered The Breadwinner and Deborah Ellis in the fall of 2015 during my stay in Canada. Since then I have been encouraging my students to read it. This year I have planned to do the same and asked those students from 3 ESO Bilingual who will be reading it in the next few weeks to do a bit of research about Afghanistan. They have done so and we have absolutely enjoyed their presentations today. Now they know where to place the story, the political situation of the country, a bit about the languages spoken, climate, population, religions, and the dreadful situation of the women. You are ready to start reading.
Some photos about your presentations.
Unluckily no research was done about Deborah Ellis, the writer of the book. She is an amazing person so I think you should spend a few minutes reading and finding out about her.
You can have a look at her webpage AndYou can even contact her !!!!
As I have told you, today is a crucial day for the United Kingdom in relation with Brexit. The parliament was voting whether to accept the Brexit deal the government had been negociating with the European community. It is known now that Teresa May has lost the vote in a huge defeat. As a result Jeremy Corbyn has tabled a vote of no confidence, which will be debated in the House tomorrow.
THis is the beginning of the terrible piece of news about the boy who disappeared two days ago. Pay attention to the impersonal passive and other passives if you read the whole article. The rescue mission to save a two-year-old toddler who is thought to have fallen down a 100-meter-deep well in Málaga in the south of Spain has entered its second day. Julen went missing at midday on Sunday after his family went to the mountains for lunch on a relative’s farm.