viernes, 18 de enero de 2019

THE BREADWINNER by Deborah Ellis 3rd ESO BIlingual Section

The BreadwinnerI discovered The Breadwinner and Deborah Ellis in the fall of 2015 during my stay in Canada. Since then I have been encouraging my students to read it. This year I have planned to do the same and asked those students from 3 ESO Bilingual who will be reading it in the next few weeks to do a bit of research about Afghanistan. They have done so and we have absolutely enjoyed their  presentations today. Now they know where to place the story, the political situation of the country, a bit about the languages spoken, climate, population, religions, and the dreadful situation of the women. You are ready to start reading.

Some photos about your presentations.

Unluckily no research was done about  Deborah Ellis, the writer of the book. She is an amazing person so I think you should spend a few minutes reading and finding out about her.
You can have a look at her webpage 
And You can even contact her !!!!

Resultado de imagen de the breadwinner BOOK

 This is a video about her.

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Just for a laugh! Silent letters

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