martes, 30 de abril de 2024

Our Planet | One Planet. The Natural world. Unit 6

it is fantastic that NETFLIX allows us to watch beautiful documentaries like this one for free. The narrator,
David Attenborough, his iconic voice and so clear accent makes it perfect for students to understand his speech. The title of the first section in unit 6 is called The natural world. As I read those three words I thought of him.
He was born on the very same day as Queen Elisabeth II, and will be 98 on May 6th. We are lucky to have such a brilliant man alive.

Passive Voice. 1BAC

domingo, 21 de abril de 2024

Conditionals. Spin the wheel!


Rehrasing. Conditional sentences. 1st BAC


Key. Possible answers.

1.     If Peter could buy a flat, he wouldn’t live with his parents.

2.     If Mary had a bigger flat, she wouldn’t be sad.

3.     If Mary had invited me to her birthday, I would have gone.

4.     If John controls his nerves, she wil pass the driving test stop

5.     If I knew his email, I could send him an invitation.

6.     Unless you leave home early, you will miss the flight.

7.     If I hadn’t been busy, I would have had time to go to the supermarket.

8.     If Mary hadn’t been ill, she would have gone to the cinema with me.

9.     If Mary hadn’t broken her leg, she would have played tennis.

10.  If I had enough money, I would buy a car.

11.  If it hadn’t rained we would have gone for a walk.

12.  Unless you study, you will fail your exam.

13.  I wouldn’t have been late for my English class if I hadn’t missed the bus.

14.  You wouldn’t be tired if you went to bed earlier.

15.  If my credit card had worked, I would have bought a new mobile phone.

Playing with modals. 1 ESO.

Have to / Must / Should CAN / MUST / MUSTN'T

Modal verbs MODAL VERBS

lunes, 8 de abril de 2024


 It took me quite a while to find time to put some photos together after our trip to London with all the planning, teaching, correcting before the end of the 2nd term. So I only sat down to it at Easter.  I am sure you have lots more but I would like to share with you Enma`s wonderful photos and my not so good ones + final video. I hope you enjoy  it!

Thanks again to my brave colleagues Xulio, Anxo, Trini and Enma and to all the students from 1st Bach who came to London and followed us at a good pace (almost one hundred kilometres in less than five days) without much complaining. My camera  got proof of that tiredness with studtents taking naps in different museums. I was nice enough to discard those photos though.   

The students had to do some research about the places to visit. Have a look at the web page created by Enma for the students to upload their post before travelling. ( We are still waiting for some...)

Click on the photo to watch the video.

viernes, 5 de abril de 2024

Conditional sentences

Next week we will be revising conditional sentences. Easy peasy... I will explain the different patterns and we will listen to different songs where the contitionals are used.  If  you have problems to understand them, you can have a look at the videos below.

Making suggestions. 1st ESO

Playing with comparatives and superlatives. 1st ESO


O programa da edición 2024 vai dirixido a estudantes de 3º da ESO. Desenvólvese nos meses de setembro, outubro e novembro de 2024 e consiste nunha estadía de 3 semanas nun país de fala inglesa. Durante este tempo, os rapaces asisten a un centro escolar, coma calquer outro estudiante local.

All the information in the following link

Just for a laugh! Silent letters

A friend sent me this video a few days ago and I thougt it was really funny.  Since many words students have problems with are mentioned,  I...