miércoles, 23 de junio de 2021

Does it ring a bell?

Tonight we won't have bonfires around but I have already collected and prepared  my "St John's plants" so that I can wash my face in the morning. According to tradition it helps to keep the evil away. Not sure about that extent but it is really refreshing to wash your face with the perfume of the aromatic plants as soon as you get up. My mother-in-law says they used to even wash their hair with it. I am sure you have heard of it. Have you got yours ready and waiting for the morning dew?

Read about the tradition of the day in Ireland. Does it ring a bell?

June 23rd, is St. John’s Eve, or as it is known in many parts of Ireland, Bonfire Night.

lunes, 14 de junio de 2021


With the following game, the teacher Bautista Ramos, will help you revise the vocabulary we are studying a the moment. Remember you can practise with the exercises Aulas Galegas upload every week.

 Give it a go!

domingo, 13 de junio de 2021

The Breadwinner. 3 ESO. Reading club.

 Reading is a passion most of the students in the bilingual section share and I take advantage of it challenging them to read more complex books than the common abridged copies normally used in class. This year we have read The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis. 

In February students started getting familiar with the background of the story, sharing their discoveries with the rest of the students in the group. Later they started reading and in April they answered questions about the plot, the characters, etc. first from chapter 1-5, then from 6-10. We left the last 5 chapters for a meeting that took place at the beginning of May. That day the students gave their opinions about different aspects of the book, what had impressed them the most and answered some questions while enjoying a cup of tea.

All the steps of the activity are in the video you can watch clicking on the photo.

I would like to thank again all the students who wanted to participate in the making of the video. I think you are GREAT!!!

lunes, 7 de junio de 2021

ABAU TOMORROW. Everything's Gonna Be Alright

You have worked hard, and there is nothing to worry about once we got here.
Listen to my advice and Bob Marley's: Everything is gonna be alright. But in your essay...remember ( is going to, never the informal "gonna").
 GOOD LUCK!!!  Thinking of you!!!

Just for a laugh! Silent letters

A friend sent me this video a few days ago and I thougt it was really funny.  Since many words students have problems with are mentioned,  I...