martes, 7 de enero de 2020

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time. 2 ESO

I have ordered the copies of  "The curious incident of the dog in the night-time" some of you are going to read and they will probably be here soon. I have started to read it and think you will enjoy it and will find it not too difficult to read. 

Have a look at some of the opinions about the book taken from goodreads where you can go and read more if you are interested (not all of them are positive but most of them are). This page is great to get information about books, to keep track of what you read, to have your readings organised and even write your own reviews.

You can't please everyone, and I guess books can be a good example of that statement. I know a lot of people who liked this book very much, but on the other hand, I also know a few people who would not hesitate to burn this book. I'm on the positive side. I really enjoyed this short novel.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
I've said this numerous times in my other reviews that I like character driven novels. This book obviously focused on Christopher's development more than the plot's. The author succeeded, because I've gotten attached to the little kiddo. I have a soft spot for people, more on children, with disabilities. I can't stomach to be annoyed at them because it's not something they can control. While I don't know anyone personally with autism, the author managed to give justice to the sickness. It's not the best book on autism, but it's a short preview of it.

I honestly don't like reading huge novels during the school year. I'd rather read those gigantic books during my breaks because I tend to enjoy them better when read at my own pace. Reading is not a task for me, but it's something that I consider to be leisure. Stress from the university is not something I could control, so reading shorter novels help me unwind at times. It's actually my exam week next week but I managed to squeeze this book in my hectic schedule. I didn't feel like rushing because it was so short to begin with. Aside from being short, it was also really entertaining.

Like I said, it's not a novel that everyone's going to love, but I'd recommend taking the risk and find out for yourself. Sometimes the opinion of others may seem right, but in the end it's all about what the novel made you feel after reading. You don't have to go with the flow and hate on something you actually like.

This was a truly amazing story told from the point of view of Christopher, an autist boy. Right from the beginning, you are being thrown into this mystery story - which is not really a mystery story but a story about Christopher's life and struggles. This book comes with surprises and I loved that. I think I should've seen them coming but I didn't.
Christopher kind of reminded me of Don from "The Rosie Project" by Graeme Simsion. So if you've read and liked that book, there's a chance you will like "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime" as well.

One of the readers who wrote a  negative review mentions this one.

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