domingo, 13 de octubre de 2019

Ann Cook, the woman who released 39 New York public institutes from exams

Ann Cook (Chicago, 1940) has changed the rules of the educational system game in the State of NY. This history teacher got 10 years ago that students from 39 public institutes in that region do not have to face exams. In the rest of the state centers, students must take five tests at the end of high school - Mathematics, Global History, American History, Science and English Language - to get the degree and to access the University. Cook's fight is against the call teaching to the test, an increasingly widespread trend in the United States that consists in measuring the success of schools and the effectiveness of teachers based on student grades. Now, the results of his experiment begin to be visible: 90% of the students in his network of institutes - 28 are in New York City and 11 spread throughout the state - access the University, compared to 58% on average from the rest of public centers in the region.
“The obsession to measure knowledge with external state exams - which are developed by the authorities and not by teachers - is diverting us from the purpose of educating citizens; we are teaching the kids tricks to pass an exam and that does not motivate them at all, ”laments Cook, promoter of the network of centers known as New York Performance Standards Consortium, which this week gave a seminar on alternative evaluation methods organized by the Unesco Center of Catalonia and the Jaume Bofill Foundation in Barcelona, ​​to which this newspaper was invited.
Go on reading the  article in the following link from where I took it

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