lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

Crazy life for a parrot.

Freddy the parrot makes it back to zoo after being stolen, shot and bitten by snake

The bird, Freddy Krueger, found his way back to Brazil zoo after thieves abducted him – the latest survival in his tumultuous life

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2019

Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame - Official Trailer

I am pretty sure I have a few  students who are fans of Avengers. Well,  the day has come. I hope you have booked your ticket, otherwise you will be in  trouble as  they are almost sold out and  don't forget tonight it will be shown in original version.
Enjoy and don't cry too loud!

“It was the best year of my life” Erasmus students in the UK.

“It was the best year of my life”: Former Erasmus students on what could be lost with Brexit

Verne speaks to Spanish alumni who studied in the UK on the importance of the program, which could be at risk if Britain crashes out of the EU without a deal.

The Erasmus exchange program is a life-changing experience for many university students. At the beginning, everything is challenging: the language barrier, hunting for an apartment and getting to know a new city. But the experience also gives students the opportunity to learn new things, be independent and have an amazing time.
Since it was founded in 1987, the Erasmus exchange program has hosted more than four million students. But uncertainty surrounding Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, a process commonly referred to as “Brexit,” has cast doubts about the future of the program in the United Kingdom. If the UK crashes out of the EU without a deal, Spanish students enrolled in the 2018-2019 academic year could lose their scholarship to travel and study in the country.


viernes, 19 de abril de 2019


A cover letter (also called a covering letter) is a one-page document written to express why you’re the best candidate for a particular job
You should organize your letter into paragraphs

  • First paragraph
    Start your cover letter briefly explaining who you are, the role you are applying for, and where you found the job vacancy advertised. Don’t include too much information in the first paragraph as this information is detailed later on in your cover letter.

  • Second paragraph
    In this paragraph detail why you have an interest in the job role and any background knowledge which will support this.

  • Third paragraph
    This is where you explain what skills you have, the qualifications which specifically apply to the job role, and what you can offer to the employer. It is important you don’t repeat yourself from what you’ve written in your CV!

  • Conclusion
    Conclude your cover letter thanking the employer for their time and mention that your CV and references are attached (if applicable).

  • Proof read Grammatical errors in a cover letter give off a bad first impression and can make the difference between you or another candidate being selected. It’s a very simple thing but will make a big difference!
  • Have a look at different examples of cover letters in the following links. You also have a good example in your textbook.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2019


The debate over the right to euthanasia has been reignited in Spain after a man was arrested on Thursday for helping his terminally ill wife bring an end to her life.
On Wednesday, Ángel Hernández, aged 70, confessed to giving his partner, María José Carrasco, 61, a lethal dose of sodium pentobarbital, and spent a night in a prison cell at a police station in Madrid. He gave his statement to a court the following day and has since been released.
My wife had always asked me [to help her kill herself] and in the last four months, she asked constantly,” he explained, calling on the media to “focus on those who have this problem [...] Lots of people are in the same situation and we have to help them.”

To read complete article click on the following link

What is your opinion about this issue?

There are great flms which address the issue of euthanasia. Some of the ones  I have seen and can think of are:
Mar Adentro (Spain)
Amour (France)
Mia Madre (Italiy)
Million Dolar Baby (USA) This is the only one you can watch in English
La fiesta de despedida (Israel)

20 becas EUROLINGUA 2019



En 2019 y por séptimo año consecutivo Eurolingua Venairlanda® convoca sus Becas para la realización de Cursos de Inglés en Irlanda de dos semanas de duración durante el verano en un programa de inmersión todo incluido. Constan de un lote global de 20 becas dirigidas a estudiantes universitarios, de secundaria, bachillerato o formación profesional con una dotación presupuestaria aportada por Eurolingua Venairlanda en su totalidad.
El programa está becado al 100% e incluye:
  • Recogida en el aeropuerto y traslado al alojamiento.
  • Los menores de edad viajarán del 28 Julio al 11 de Agosto. 
  • Alojamiento en familia o residencia.
  • Programa de 20 clases de inglés semanales.
  • No incluido, pero gestionable gratuitamente, el billete de avión.
Hasta las 23.59 horas del 17 de abril de 2019 aunque recomendamos no esperar a los últimos días para poder completar el apartado de méritos.
  • Para comprobar requisitos
  • Para solicitar la beca Eurolingua, pincha AQUÍ

viernes, 5 de abril de 2019


This morning in class before the competition.

It was super exciting to see Eva and Claudia on stage! Fantastic work! IES ROU must be very proud of you.  
Both passed the two rounds beating students from private and public secondary schools in Vigo.

Claudia was 2nd!!! Congratulations!!! It was a privilege to be with you this afternoon and evening.
Congratulations to your previous teachers too!!!

martes, 2 de abril de 2019

3rd type conditional.

What do you think Adele is talking about? The story behind the lyrics is terrible. Can you guess?

And finally one Gloria Gaynor with the iconic song I will survive

At first I was afraid, I was petrified
Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side
But then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong
And I grew strong
And I learned how to get along
And so you're back
From outer space
I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face
I ............  ............  ......... that stupid lock, I ............  ............  ......... you leave your key
If I'd known for just one second you'd be back to bother me
Go on now, go, walk out the door
Just turn around now

2nd type  Sad song, sorry

Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton

Would you know my name
If I .......... you in heaven?
Would it be the same
If I ........... you in heaven?
I must be strong and carry on
'Cause I know I don't belong here in heaven
Would you ......... my hand
If I saw you in heaven?
Would you ......... me stand
If I saw you in heaven?
I'll find my way through night and day
'Cause I know I just can't stay here in heaven

Time can bring you down, time can bend your knees
Time can break your heart, have you begging please, begging please

If I were a boy  By Beyoncé

If I were a boy
Even just for a day
I....    ........  ....... of bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted then go
Drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
I'.........  .......... it with who I wanted
And I'.... ..... ...... confronted for it
'Cause they'd stick up for me

If I were a boy
I think I ......... .................
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I....... ........a better man
I......... ............... to her
'Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
'Cause he's taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

If I were a boy
I ......... my phone
Tell everyone it's broken
So they'd think that I was sleeping alone

Let me help you remember the patterns of conditional sentences with music.3 ESO BILINGUAL

 1st type

We can start with Bruno Mars

Click on the next link, listen and complete.

We can go back to the 80s with Simply Red too.

 1st type
IF you don't know me by now
You will never never never know me
All the things that we've been through
You should understand me like I understand you
Now girl I know the difference between right and wrong
I ain't gonna do nothing to break up our happy home
Oh don't get so excited when I come home a little late at night
Cause we only act like children when we argue fuss and fight
If you don't know me by now (If you don't know me)
You will never never never know me (No you won't)
If you don't know me by now
You will never never never know me....
Or listen to this beautiful song by Emily Sandé 

Tears and cheers as Iago Aspas returns to save Celta Vigo again

That is the headline of a long article about Iago Aspas in The Guardian. Even someone like me, not keen on football, someone  who doesn't pay attention at all to the league ( I didn't know they were doing so badly this season) can be surprised by the article and moved by Iago's tears. I guess his feat meant a lot to some of you.
 Long article and some difficult words but supporters may be interested.

Noa and Laura, I have found the perfect partners for your yoga lessons 😊

lunes, 1 de abril de 2019

Cómo usar el GERUNDIO y el INFINITIVO en inglés ��

INFINITIVES AND GERUNDS                                                                                                         
3 basic verb forms:        V-ING.   Gerund or Present Participle.
                                     TO-INF. Infinitive  ( with "to" )
                                      INF.       Infinitive ( without "to" )


1.- The gerund is used as a noun:
          Smoking is bad for your health.                                                                      
          Her hobby is painting.
2.- It´s used  after prepositions:
           Touch your toes without bending your knees.
            After swimming I felt cold.
            He is thinking of NOT going abroad.
 3.- After verbs such as:
     IMAGINE       INVOLVE            PRACTISE
    ENJOY           DENY                  MISS                   POSTPONE
    MIND               AVOID                ADMIT              SUGGEST


4.-  After certain idiomatic expressions:  

THERE / IT´S NO USE ( non paga a pena)
CAN´T HELP (non poder evitar)
BE FED UP WITH (estar farto de)
CAN´T STAND (non poder soportar, aturar)
CAN´T BEAR (non poder soportar)
FEEL LIKE (apetecer)
GO +ing (para actividades de recreo): Go hiking/ dancing.
 IT´S ( NOT ) WORTH sightseeing ( non merecer a pena)
THERE IS (NO) POINT IN (no hai necesidade de)
 TO BE/GET USED TO (estar acostumado a/acostumarse a)
 LOOK FORWARD TO (desexar)
 PREFER+gerund TO+gerund (preferir__________ a __________)
NEED (en sentido pasivo): Your car needs cleaning.
                         It´s no worth wasting your time.
                        She was used to getting up early.
                        I´ m looking forward to hearing from you.
                        prefer going out to staying here.


1.- Infinitive of purpose.
       Why did you go out? To post a letter.
       We shouted to warn them of the danger.
       *Knives are for cutting. (in a general sense)
2.- SomeVerbs with to-infinitive.

    AGREE             MANAGE          HOPE             AFFORD
    REFUSE           DECIDE            APPEAR         LEARN
    PROMISE         PLAN                SEEM           
    OFFER             ARRANGE        PRETEND     
     hope to pass my exams.
     We decided not to go to Paris.

3.-  Verb +( Complement ) + TO-INF.

          WANT              HELP                 INVITE                   WOULD LIKE
          ASK                 TELL                  WARN                   WOULD PREFER
          ADVISE            EXPECT            REMIND                ENCOURAGE

          She wanted to stay instead of going.
          She wanted me to stay.

4.- TO-INF with some constructions.
     4.1.- Pronoun/noun + to-infinitive:
             We have some homework / something to do.
     4.2.- Too + adjective + to-infinitive:
             This is too hot to drink.
     4.3.- Enough + noun + to-infinitive:
             There is enough water for everybody to drink.

      4.4.- Adjective/adverb + enough + to-infinitive.
              This boy is old enough to watch this film.

5.- Verbs followed by a gerund or infinitive.
      5.1.- Stop
               He stopped smoking last year. (deixou de fumar).
               He stopped to smoke a  cigarette. (Parou  para fumar).
      5.2.- Try
               He tried adding salt and water.(probar, experimentar)
               Martin tried to pass the test. (tentar, facer o esforzo)

      5.3.- Remember /forget / regret.
           A.- She will never forget visiting London. (a acción de visitar é anterior)
                 David always forgets to visit his aunt. (a acción de visitar é posterior á
                                                                             de esquecer)
           B.- I remember  closing the door.( a acción de pechar é anterior/ lémbrome
                                                                 de ter pechado a porta)
                 I remembered to close the door. (a acción de pechar é posterior / lembro
                                                                  que teño que pechar a porta).
           C.- She regrets wasting so much money. (xa gastou os cartos e laméntao)
                 She regrets to waste so much money. ( Lamenta ter que gastalo)
        5.4.- Con advise, allow, permit y recommend.
                  Se o nome ou pronome non se menciona ponse o xerundio. Se se
                   menciona ponse o  infinitivo con to.
                         advised him to sell the car.
                         advised selling the car.

        5.5.-Like , love, hate e prefer van  normalmente seguidos de xerundio cando se disfruta facendo algo (= enjoy). Tamén as veces significa que a acción xa se realizou.
                         She likes swimming.
            But   I like to have a shower everyday. (Non disfruta facéndoo senón que cre que é o que se   debe facer) 
                Cando estes verbos van en condicional úsase o infinitivo con to.
                         She would like to go abroad. 
        5.6.- FinishBegin, start. Van seguidos de xerundio ou infinitivo sen cambio no significado.


1.- Modal verbs (except : have to / ought to / need)
2. MAKE: They made me pay.
3.- LET: Let me go!
4.- WOULD RATHER:I would rather go than stay. (prefer)
5.- HAD BETTER: you had better study English .(advise).

to-infinitive or bare infinitive
Help is a verb that can be used with or without to and with or without an object before the infinitive. When we use it without an infinitive it sometimes sounds more informal. Compare the following:

  • Could you help me to look for my car keys? I can't find them anywhere.
  • Could you help me look for my car keys? I can't find them anywhere.
  • Would you like to help to cook dinner tonight? It's late and I'm feeling tired.
  • Would you like to help cook dinner tonight? It's late and I'm feeling tired.


    1. I´d like_______________in bed today. ( STAY )
    2. After_______________ten hours, he resumed the journey. ( SLEEP )
    3. I regret_______________you that I won´t help you. ( TELL )
    4. Stop_______________that stupid noise. ( MAKE )
    5. It´s not worth______________about that. (WORRY )
    6. The teacher usually allows____________class if you are in a hurry. ( LEAVE )
    7. Allow me_______________myself. ( INTRODUCE )
    8. I used to walk this way with my sister. I remember_______________hide and               
        seek with her. ( PLAY )
    9. I can´t stand_______________said what I have to do. (BE )
   10. I forgot how_______________this machine. ( USE )

        SPEND     LOSE     BUY     ARRIVE     DRIVE     SWIM
        SWITCH     GO     WORK     HAVE
    1. He suggested_______________at the bus station at half past six.
    2. They wanted me_______________in the evening and I refused.
    3. I can´t afford_______________so much money on that T.V. set.
    4. We stopped_______________a rest because we had driven too long.
    5. It´s no good_______________after meals.
    6. I´ve decided_______________weight. So, I´m on a diet.
    7. Would you mind_______________the radio off?
    8. My mother reminded me_______________bread on my way back home.
    9. Do you like_______________sightseeing?
   10. Avoid_______________so fast.


Just for a laugh! Silent letters

A friend sent me this video a few days ago and I thougt it was really funny.  Since many words students have problems with are mentioned,  I...