sábado, 13 de octubre de 2018

3 ESO BILINGUAL. Red Crab Migration Across Christmas Island

As I was reading the text you have as homework for next week I became really interested in what I was learning ( I didn't know anything about this colourful migration!!!) so I surfed the net looking for more information and a video to show you.
And this is what I have found. It's amazing!!!

Ever year, millions of red crabs migrate across Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean to mate. Their journey from forest to coast begins in the rainy season and is protected by park rangers, who block off roads and build temporary fences along the crab's migration path. Once the crabs have mated, females will lay up to 10,000 eggs each.
If you want to know more, watch the video.

There are lots more. Have you become interested?

SCIENCE SCREEN REPORT: The Amazing Red Crab of Christmas Island

Can you answer these questions?
  1. Where is the island?
  2. What country does it belong to?
  3. Why is it called liked that?
  4. What shape has it got?
  5. Are there many beaches on the island?
  6. What time of the year does the migration take place?

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