miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018


Dixéronnos que chegarían tarde á festa porque tiñan que rematar un traballo.
Ofrecéronse a mercar as bebidas.
Preguntámoslle se atopara as chaves.
Pediunos que baixaramos o volume do ordenador e engadiu que non se podía concentrar.
Díxolle que se  quedara sen gasolina e que non sabía como seguir.
Díxolle que  gardara o segredo, que non llo contara a ninguén.
Disculpáronse porque estaban equivocados.
Admitiron ter roubado (haber robado) o coche.

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

Swapped at birth, then adopted by mistake: 'For 41 years I lived someone else's life'

Sometimes I read the press, The Guardian is the British newspaper I read more often but not that often, just looking for  texts that may be interesting for my students. And sometimes I find incredible stories like the one I have read today and that you can find in the link below. I have just missed today’s nap, which  I needed desperately, but  as long as you read and enjoy it,  that will be worthy.  I did enjoy this astonishing and moving story, very well written too. I will have a nice cup of tea now.
Let me know what you think.

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2018


Yesterday  I heard that Spanish scientists had managed to cure a few patients of AIDS by transplanting stem cells. I though: what an extraordinary piece of news!.  And my mind went to some of those who died too soon such as Freddy Mercury.
It was my plan to include a song every week so you could have a look at the lyrics, listen, practise pronunciation and sing during the weekend. I am not sure that will happen every single week but let’s do it as often as possible.
Going over Freddy Mercury’s biography I was happy to discover that Feltham was our first destination in London. I only spent a couple of weeks there but kept going back for years as I had great friends living there. I also read about his former girlfriend Mary Austin, who, by the way, inherited his magnificent house in Kensington and a fortune.  And it took me to newspaper articles like the interview with his mother 20 years after his death. She has been to WE WILL ROCK YOU the musical 6 times, I may have been even more as I have taken  my students to that musical as first opiton for years . Well, that is the idea. If you are curious about something: read, explore,  enjoy and you will be learning.

  • In the  part of the song bellow he missed some words. Can you find more apart from the underlined?
  • Find a synonym for tremble and pain.
  • Phonetics. Find the word with a different sound:  face  aching  away  agai
  • What does he regret in the last line, why is he using past perfect?

Mama, just killed a man
Put a gun against his head
Pulled my trigger, now he's dead
Mama, life had just begun
But now I've gone and thrown it all away
Mama, ooo
Didn't mean to make you cry
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters
Too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine
Body's aching all the time
Goodbye everybody I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
Mama, ooo (anyway the wind blows)
I don't want to die
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all

sábado, 13 de octubre de 2018

3 ESO BILINGUAL. Red Crab Migration Across Christmas Island

As I was reading the text you have as homework for next week I became really interested in what I was learning ( I didn't know anything about this colourful migration!!!) so I surfed the net looking for more information and a video to show you.
And this is what I have found. It's amazing!!!

Ever year, millions of red crabs migrate across Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean to mate. Their journey from forest to coast begins in the rainy season and is protected by park rangers, who block off roads and build temporary fences along the crab's migration path. Once the crabs have mated, females will lay up to 10,000 eggs each.
If you want to know more, watch the video.

There are lots more. Have you become interested?

SCIENCE SCREEN REPORT: The Amazing Red Crab of Christmas Island

Can you answer these questions?
  1. Where is the island?
  2. What country does it belong to?
  3. Why is it called liked that?
  4. What shape has it got?
  5. Are there many beaches on the island?
  6. What time of the year does the migration take place?

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018

Translate into English. 1 ESO B Thursday

Translate the following sentences.
  1. A canción favorita de María e "Count on me". Ten moitas cancións no seu móbil.
  2. Aquel é o noso coche novo. Ë grande e rápido.
  3. Como é? É unha persoa moi xenerosa e traballadora.
  4. A miña escola é xenial. Encántanme os meus profesores.
  5. O color favorito de Carmen é o rosa. Ten o pelo rosa!
  6. A túa prima ten unha mochila verde? Non, a mochila verde é miña!
  7. Cantos anos ten túa nai? É moi xoven, ten 30. O seu pai ten 50.
  8.  Os nosos amigos non están na nosa clase. 
You can revise the vocabulary of the starter unit and unit 1 for the exam next Wednesday.
Homework: Go on with exercises on the Workbook unit 1.

You can also play and learn if you click on  the following link, here or  at home


And sing with this great webpage.


Planning lesson 2 BACH C 6TH PERIOD THURSDAY 11TH OCT.

HI, sorry I may not be able to join you for the class. I am really sorry.

1. Listening. Ivan, as the one in charge of the computer so far, can you follow these instrucctions?
Open the book (look for the icon in the desktop-escritorio) Go to page 123.
I think I had helped you with the meaning of the words last Monday before we realised we were not able to use the book in room 2 last Monday.
Read all the questions and options. Remember you can sometimes guess/anticipate the possible right answer.
Ivan, click on play and focus on your listening.
You can listen to it twice or even three times.
You can now check it or wait till Monday.
2. Start with the summary of the text about Oprah Winfrey which you have just been given.

  Go on with the  activities of that text.
 Read the basic rules of the Reported Speech ( Grammar section at the end of the book). We will be working with it next week.

If something goes wrong, you can complete all the activities of the first text. And then or previously or at home watch the following talk.
What is it about?
What do you think of it?

Read the basic rules of the Reported Speech ( Grammar section at the end of the book). We will be working with it next week.


Have a nice weekend!!!

martes, 9 de octubre de 2018

1 ESO A First days at IES R.O.U.

Hey David! So you can see the video at last! Sorry for the delay. You know I have  had a few problems and it took me a while in the end. I am not happy with the quality ( the first ones were great but I deleted them, then some of them with no sound and finally some are out of focus) but you are all great, and that is the most important part!!!. There are some mistakes though. Can you find them? Let's listen carefully so we can help our classmates improve their English!

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2018


2º BACH.Tenses. October 2018 English.
Write a new sentence without changing the meaning of the first one.
1.         I’ve known Jack since 2004. I’ve known Jack ......
2.         He left the house a minute ago. He has ..........
3.         She interviewed the witness and then she arrested the suspect.
After she .......
4.         This is Isobel’s first visit to London.
Isobel hasn’t ........
5.         He stole the money. That’s why they arrested him.
They arrested him because he ......
6.         How much was the computer? (cost)
7.         Sandra hasn’t got a smartphone. (not own)
8.         Do you plan to leave early tomorrow morning? (are you)
9.         She doesn’t use this app. (never)
10.       He started drinking too much alcohol two years ago.
He .....

Just for a laugh! Silent letters

A friend sent me this video a few days ago and I thougt it was really funny.  Since many words students have problems with are mentioned,  I...