Can you translate these ideas into English for Monday?. Have a nice weekend!.
1. San Martiño é a igrexa máis antiga no meu pobo.
2. A escola era un pouco máis lonxe pero estaba agotado, así que parei a descansar.
3, Como é o teu compañeiro? Moi traballador e seguro de si mesmo.
4. Non está permitido comer na biblioteca.
5. Onte non tiven que facer deberes así que me fun a dar unha volta.
6. Encántanme ás hamburguesas. Que pena !Comer verduras é máis saudable.
7. Non sabía falar español antes dos 7anos porque nacera en Francia.
8. Cando viaxo nunca boto de menos á miña familia. Debería?
This blog has been created to share news, projects, videos and everything I may find interesting with my students. I will also upload their work and anything I consider useful for them to improve their English. Everybody is welcome. Formerly known as Englishasbarxas, I have now adopted the name of my new school: IES ROU. PALMIRA CALVAR
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Just for a laugh! Silent letters
A friend sent me this video a few days ago and I thougt it was really funny. Since many words students have problems with are mentioned, I...

Video and explanation of the future forms and uses
EXERCISES FOR 1º BACH PUT THE FOLLOWING IN THE PASSIVE VOICE. 1. You should open the wine about three hours b...
2º BACH.Tenses. October 2018 English. Write a new sentence without changing the meaning of the first one. 1. I’ve known Jack si...
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