martes, 6 de junio de 2017

Reported speech 1 bach

The major of London and The president of the USA
From The Guardian, only a few minutes ago and about D. Trump's messages on twitter such as the one which follows:

At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is "no reason to be alarmed!"

He added: “We are not kids in play ground. He’s the president of the United States. I’m too busy to respond to his tweets. Isn’t he busy?”
The mayor added: “I’m not in a war with Donald Trump.”
He added: “It takes two to Tango. I’m not Tangoing with this guy. I’ve got better things to do. From Saturday till now my focus has been dealing the aftermath of the horrific attack, working with the police, the security services, the government. That’s why I’ve not responded to the tweets from Donald Trump.”

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