martes, 25 de abril de 2017

find someone who. Mixed tenses.


 don't forget to ask follow-up questions
 to find out more information about  the topics

Loves sports                                                 which?
Has sung his/her favourite song this week.        Title
Has swum in the ocean in bad weather.            When?
Hates going shopping                                   how often?
Has sent a wattsapp  this morning                who to?
Likes eating fish                                            how often?
Loves wearing in black                                 Since when?
forgot keys/  last week                                  where
Has won a competition                                 which sport/activity?
Has seen a  live concert / recently                Band?
feels sleepy / today                                        Why?
Has argued with parents or someone /recently      Why?
 will be travelling next summer                              Where
Has mowed the lawn recently                      When?
always vacuums the floor                                   

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Just for a laugh! Silent letters

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