sábado, 11 de marzo de 2017


A FEW DAYS AGO  I cooked Chinese fried rice with eggs, ham, corn and peas for a small group of students from 1 ESO B.
Le Yi, one of the students in the class, showed us how to eat with chopsticks. 

Pedro was very interested in learning. 

And he  soon learned how to use the chopsticks. 
What about Hugo? 
Do you think he is using them properly?

The group followed Le Yi's  instructions  and practised before they got their food.

And they managed to  eat most of it.

                                         Etham was not very happy about the vegetables but he asked
                                         for some more  rice.

Ana loved it and had a second bowl.

Le Yi ate it all 

                                                             Look at her bowl!!!

                                   THANK YOU LE YI, YOU ARE AN EXPERT!!!!

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