viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016


Some of my 1st ESO A students  talked about what they did yesterday.
Are you curious? Have a look!

I.Watch the video and answer the following questions. 

1.  What did Pablo buy?
2.  What did Alvaro build?
3.  What  did Elena make?
4.  Did she like them?
5.  Who did Lorena eat with?
6.  Lucía is surprised by  Iago’s first activity. What did Iago do?
7.  Who did Lucia send a card to?
8.  What sports did the students practice?

II.  Help them improve their English 
       1.       Elena is not sure about  how to say this part of the day. Choose the         correct one.
   A) At afternoon     B) at the afternoon     C)  in the afternoon

 2.       Elena is not sure whether to use the present or the past. What is the right answer?
         A)     Eat/i:t/       B)  ate /eit/

 3.      Alvaro says I walked  to ... park.  What is he missing in the sentence?

4.    Iago is confused about the pronunctiation of the past of the verb to read.            Choose the right pronunctiation
A) /ri:d/      B)/red/

key :

1. He bought a jacket
2.  He built a  sandcastle
3. She made  waffles
4. Yes, she loved them.
5.  She ate with her mum.
6. He wrote a poem.
7. She sent a  card to a friend.
8. Taekwondo, football, kitesurfing, jogging,

         1.      C
         2.      B
         3.      the
         4.      B

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Just for a laugh! Silent letters

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