sábado, 16 de abril de 2016


I find that reading the press in English is a great way to be both informed an learning English.  Next  week I will ask you to write a summary of one of the articles shown below or any you may find interesting.

1.Judge sends Mario Conde to jail for money laundering and tax fraud
Spanish High Court Judge Santiago Pedraz decided on Wednesday to send disgraced ex bank chief Mario Conde to prison while an investigation into allegations that he laundered millions of euros back into Spain from accounts held abroad continues. The former chairman of Banesto’s children, Alejandra and Mario, as well as his lawyer, are also under suspicion for supposedly creating a network of companies in Spain and other countries that were used for moving the money that Conde embezzled from the Spanish lender in the 1990s...
To go on reading:

Money laundering : lavado de cartos
Embezzle: defraudar
Bail: fianza
Maze: entramado, laberinto

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2. REFUGEE CRISIS     Brussels rebukes Spain for failing to take in refugees

Spain has only taken in 18 refugees since September 2015, when European countries pledged to help people fleeing conflict in Syria. 
In March, the Spanish government promised to speed up that rate by accepting 467 new refugees within that same month. 
But a European Commission report shows that nearly two weeks after the deadline expired, not a single one of those 467 people has arrived on Spanish soil.
To go on reading:
rebuke: reprochar
pledge : prometer, dar a palabra
soil: chan, territorio


José Manuel Soria has already resigned but read about what he has said along the week. Lies, lies, lies.


3. Industry minister agrees to talk about Panama Papers firm in Congress

Acting Industry Minister José Manuel Soria has backtracked on his earlier refusal to provide Congress with explanations about his alleged involvement in the Panama Papers scandal.
On Tuesday, Soria told reporters that he will appear in the lower house next week to discuss why his name shows up on a list of officials of an offshore company.
The acting minister said it was “a mistake” that briefly saw his name appear on the list of directors of UK Lines Ltd., which was incorporated in the Bahamas in the 1990s. This piece of information was part of a trove of 11.5 million files held by a Panama-based law firm and leaked to the media. 
To go on reading:
Backtrack: retractarse, dar marcha atrás
Provide: dar
Lower house: congreso,
Trove: tesouro
Tax haven: paraiso fiscal
Offshore: fóra do control financieiro


4. The chart that proves that Spanish schedules are downright weird 


A shorter, easier text.

5. Real-life ‘Lassie’ leads police to 80-year-old shepherd trapped in well

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Just for a laugh! Silent letters

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