This week I have mentioned and showed to some of my Bach. students an article about a brave man, an amazing family. Their case is going to be shown in a documentary if you want to read about it.
The Extraordinary Case of Alex Lewis
This blog has been created to share news, projects, videos and everything I may find interesting with my students. I will also upload their work and anything I consider useful for them to improve their English. Everybody is welcome. Formerly known as Englishasbarxas, I have now adopted the name of my new school: IES ROU. PALMIRA CALVAR
viernes, 29 de abril de 2016
miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016
Reported speech. Bach
For those who need to keep prectising grammar.
I am posting some links to web pages where you can practise reported speech and check your results. There are lots more. I hope they are helpful.
I am posting some links to web pages where you can practise reported speech and check your results. There are lots more. I hope they are helpful.
viernes, 22 de abril de 2016
Feeling optimistic
Some of our students have visited " El salón del libro " today so they have missed our lesson.
Here you have one of the activities we did.
Amazing news: Flavia is getting married (wow!), Adrián is running a marathon, Laura is moving abroad, some feel bad... But all of them get positive responses from their classmates.
That's the spirit!
jueves, 21 de abril de 2016
Purple Rain Prince AVI
Prince – Purple Rain Lyrics
I never meant to cause you any sorrow
I never meant to cause you any pain
I only wanted to one time to see you laughing
I only wanted to see you
Laughing in the purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
I only wanted to see you
Bathing in the purple rain
I never wanted to be your weekend lover
I only wanted to be some kind of friend
Baby, I could never steal you from another
It's such a shame our friendship had to end
Purple rain, purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
I only wanted to see you
Underneath the purple rain
Honey, I know, I know
I know times are changing
It's time we all reach out
For something new, that means you too
You say you want a leader
But you can't seem to make up your mind
I think you better close it
And let me guide you to the purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
If you know what I'm singing about up here
C'mon, raise your hand
Purple rain, purple rain
I only want to see you
Only want to see you
In the purple rain
I never meant to cause you any pain
I only wanted to one time to see you laughing
I only wanted to see you
Laughing in the purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
I only wanted to see you
Bathing in the purple rain
I never wanted to be your weekend lover
I only wanted to be some kind of friend
Baby, I could never steal you from another
It's such a shame our friendship had to end
Purple rain, purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
I only wanted to see you
Underneath the purple rain
Honey, I know, I know
I know times are changing
It's time we all reach out
For something new, that means you too
You say you want a leader
But you can't seem to make up your mind
I think you better close it
And let me guide you to the purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
If you know what I'm singing about up here
C'mon, raise your hand
Purple rain, purple rain
I only want to see you
Only want to see you
In the purple rain
One of those videos provided by the British Council to help you understand the REPORTED SPEECH
miércoles, 20 de abril de 2016
Entrevista a Quico Cadaval
Aquí a entrevista realizada a Quico Cadaval polos alumnos do grupo SAFTAS, ERASMUS+
Estamos na elaboración da tradución ó inglés para subtitular e compartir cos nosos colegas europeos.
martes, 19 de abril de 2016
Shouldn't we dedicate some time to read/learn/ remember/ about Shakespeare?
Everybody is talking about him lately in England, of course you know why but what else do you know?.
Everybody is talking about him lately in England, of course you know why but what else do you know?.
Grammar. Conditional sentences
I just love this webpage. Thank you British council for helping my students to understand and work with grammar!!!
lunes, 18 de abril de 2016
Future Tenses:
After watching this video and reading the grammar tips you won't confuse the future forms again
1. Aínda non nos imos marchar da festa porque o estamos a pasar moi ben.
2. -De quen é esa idea? -Non sei.- Ok, quédome con ela.
3. Que vai preparar o teu pai de cea? Non estou segura, pero estará rico porque é un gran cociñeiro.
4. Fixo a súa pregunta demasiado rápido pero educadamente.
5. Como era un libro moi antiguo, pasaba as páxinas con cuidado. Non era seu. Era deles.
6. Témome que non poderei chegar a tempo. Que pena, dixo con enfado.
7. -Sempre conduce lento?- Si. -Non importa, non temos présa.
8. Chamas a casa de Pepa e dis que queres falar con ela. Contéstache que é ela.
domingo, 17 de abril de 2016
sábado, 16 de abril de 2016
I find that reading the press in English is a great way to be both informed an learning English. Next week I will ask you to write a summary of one of the articles shown below or any you may find interesting.
1.Judge sends Mario Conde to jail for money laundering and tax fraud
Spanish High Court Judge Santiago Pedraz decided on Wednesday to send disgraced ex bank chief Mario Conde to prison while an investigation into allegations that he laundered millions of euros back into Spain from accounts held abroad continues. The former chairman of Banesto’s children, Alejandra and Mario, as well as his lawyer, are also under suspicion for supposedly creating a network of companies in Spain and other countries that were used for moving the money that Conde embezzled from the Spanish lender in the 1990s...
To go on reading:
Money laundering : lavado de cartos
Embezzle: defraudar
Bail: fianza
Maze: entramado, laberinto
xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
2. REFUGEE CRISIS Brussels rebukes Spain for failing to take in refugees
Spain has only taken in 18 refugees since September 2015, when European countries pledged to help people fleeing conflict in Syria.
In March, the Spanish government promised to speed up that rate by accepting 467 new refugees within that same month.
But a European Commission report shows that nearly two weeks after the deadline expired, not a single one of those 467 people has arrived on Spanish soil.
To go on reading:
rebuke: reprochar
pledge : prometer, dar a palabra
soil: chan, territorio
José Manuel Soria has already resigned but read about what he has said along the week. Lies, lies, lies.
3. Industry minister agrees to talk about Panama Papers firm in Congress
Acting Industry Minister José Manuel Soria has backtracked on his earlier refusal to provide Congress with explanations about his alleged involvement in the Panama Papers scandal.
On Tuesday, Soria told reporters that he will appear in the lower house next week to discuss why his name shows up on a list of officials of an offshore company.
The acting minister said it was “a mistake” that briefly saw his name appear on the list of directors of UK Lines Ltd., which was incorporated in the Bahamas in the 1990s. This piece of information was part of a trove of 11.5 million files held by a Panama-based law firm and leaked to the media.
To go on reading:
Backtrack: retractarse, dar marcha atrás
Provide: dar
Lower house: congreso,
Trove: tesouro
Tax haven: paraiso fiscal
Offshore: fóra do control financieiro
4. The chart that proves that Spanish schedules are downright weird
A shorter, easier text.
5. Real-life ‘Lassie’ leads police to 80-year-old shepherd trapped in well
viernes, 15 de abril de 2016
Present Perfect versus Simple Past
Problems to understand the differences between these two tenses and use them properly?
Come on! It is not that difficult. Have a look at the poster and start practising!
Come on! It is not that difficult. Have a look at the poster and start practising!
jueves, 14 de abril de 2016
I think we may have had enough practice but for those who still have doubts about when that passive structure is used, have a look at the video you will find in the link below.
n astonishing space mission to visit our nearest star system and find out if alien life exists has been launched by Professor Stephen Hawking.
Despite being visible in the night sky without a telescope, Alpha Centauri is 25 trillion miles away (4.3 light years) and would take around 30,000 years to reach with current technology.
However Professor Hawking has joined forces with Russian billionaire Yuri Milner and Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, to develop technology which would allow a spacecraft to reach the star system in just 20 years.
Hi again, if you are interested in applying for a summer camp, click on the link below. You will find all the information.
There are different options according to your ages.
Note that you can also apply for English summer camps in Galicia (students born between 2002-2007) and (for those born from 1998-2001)
There are different options according to your ages.
Note that you can also apply for English summer camps in Galicia (students born between 2002-2007) and (for those born from 1998-2001)
miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016
Emma Watson to United Nations: I'm a feminist
While in Canada, I saw the teacher I was shadowing showing this video to her students. She wanted to show them how to behave when giving a speech, how to deal with an oral presentation. They could appreciate she was nervous but also that she had learnt her lines and knew how to address her audience.
I also think what she says is very sensible and we should learn from her.
Please, watch during the weekend and let me know what you think.
Please, watch during the weekend and let me know what you think.
· El "present perfect" se forma con el auxiliar "to have" en presente del indicativo (simple present), más el participio (past participle) del verbo principal:
I have listened to the news. | Yo he escuchado las noticias |
She has watched TV. | Ella ha visto la tele |
· La forma negativa se forma con la partícula de negación "not" entre el auxiliar y el verbo principal, y la forma interrogativa se construye con el auxiliar al comienzo de la oración, seguido del sujeto y del verbo principal:
I have not done my homework. | Yo no he hecho mis deberes. |
Have you been to Seville? | ¿Has estado en Sevilla? |
· 1. El "present perfect" es un tiempo que sirve para describir acciones que acaban de suceder en el pasado y que guardan alguna relación con el presente. Equivale en castellano al pretérito perfecto:
I have bought a car. | Yo he comprado un coche: nos indica que la acción de comprar el coche acaba de realizarse. |
· Si por el contrario utilizáramos el "past simple" esta conexión con el presente se pierde:
I bought a car. | Yo compré un coche: no implica que la acción haya sido reciente, ni que aún siga teniendo ese coche. |
· En las oraciones con "present perfect" no se suele mencionar el momento en el que se ha desarrollado la acción:
I have read a book. | Yo he leído un libro: la acción acaba de finalizar. |
· 2. Sí se puede mencionar el periodo de tiempo en el que la acción se ha desarrollado, pero únicamente si este período de tiempo aún no ha finalizado: today, this morning, this week, etc.
This morning I have drunk three coffees. She has visited her parents twice this week. | Esta mañana me he tomado 3 cafés: utilizo en este caso el "present perfect" si el periodo de la mañana aún no ha terminado. Ha visitado a sus padres dos veces esta semana. |
· 3. Otro uso típico del "present perfect" es para describir acciones que empezaron en el pasado y que aún no han finalizado:
I have lived in this city since 1980. | He vivido en esta ciudad desde 1980: implica que sigo viviendo en la ciudad. |
I have played tennis since my childhood. | He jugado al tenis desde mi infancia: y sigo jugando |
En este uso es muy común usar :
FOR- durante, desde hace. Para hacer mención a un período de tiempo
SINCE- desde. Para hacer mención a un momento concreto en el tiempo cuando comienza la acción
They have swum for hours. | Han nadado durante horas. |
He has lived in this city for years We have been here since 5 o’clock | Ha vivido en esta ciudad durante años. Llevamos aquí desde las 5./Hemos estado aquí desde las 5 |
· Si la acción hubiera ya finalizado entonces habría que utilizar el "past simple":
I lived in this city for 10 years. | Yo viví en esta ciudad 10 años: pero ya no vivo ahí. |
I played tennis for many years. | Yo jugué al tenis muchos años: pero ya no juego. |
4. Se usa para preguntar y hablar sobre experiencias a lo largo de toda la vida. También con EVER (alguna vez para interrogativas )
Have you ever found money? ¿Alguna vez has encontrado dinero? I have been to Paris several times - He estado en Paris varias veces. |
Se usa present perfect con “just” para indicar que una acción acaba de suceder.
They have just arrived | Acaban de llegar |
She has just eaten. | Acaba de comer |
Normalmente lo usamos en AFIRMATIVA. También lo podemos usar en INTERROGATIVA para expresar sorpresa porque una accion está finalizada.
We have already sent the e-mail | Ya hemos enviado el e-mail |
Have you already come back? | ¿Ya habeis vuelto? (no lo esperaba) |
YET se usa en negativa (aún, todavía) e interrogativa (ya).
Se coloca al final de la oración.
He hasn’t bought his new car yet | Aún no se ha comprado su coche nuevo. |
Have they called yet? | ¿Ya han llamado? |
Yet as an adverb
We use yet as an adverb to refer to a time which starts in the past and continues up to the present. We use it mostly in negative statements or questions in the present perfect. It usually comes in end position:
Kevin hasn’t registered for class yet.
I haven’t finished my breakfast yet.
Has she emailed you yet?
Yet with negative statements
When we use yet in negative statements, it shows that an event is expected to happen in the future:
Jason hasn’t phoned yet. (I am expecting him to phone.)
I haven’t seen ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’ yet. (I am expecting to see this film.)
Yet with questions
When we use yet in an affirmative question, it shows that the speaker is expecting something to happen:
Is he home yet? (I expect that he will be home at some point.)
Has your passport arrived yet? (I expect that your passport will arrive in the post.)
Negative questions with yet can express an even stronger expectation that something will happen. When we ask this type of question, we expect a negative answer:
Hasn’t Richard arrived yet? (I strongly expect that he should have arrived.)
Haven’t you done your driving test yet? (I feel you should have done your driving test by now.)
Yet with affirmative statements
When we use yet in affirmative statements, it shows that a situation is continuing, even when we might expect it not to continue:
There’s plenty of time yet. (even though you don’t think so)
We’ve got a lot more work to do yet. (even though you think we have finished)
‘Still’ is used to talk about something that hasn’t finished – especially when we expected it to finish earlier.
- I’ve been waiting for over an hour and the bus still hasn’t come.
- You promised to give me that report yesterday and you still haven’t finished it.
‘Still’ usually comes in ‘mid-position’
Still is often used with other tenses as well as the present perfect.
Still is often used with other tenses as well as the present perfect.
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Just for a laugh! Silent letters
A friend sent me this video a few days ago and I thougt it was really funny. Since many words students have problems with are mentioned, I...

Video and explanation of the future forms and uses
EXERCISES FOR 1º BACH PUT THE FOLLOWING IN THE PASSIVE VOICE. 1. You should open the wine about three hours b...
2º BACH.Tenses. October 2018 English. Write a new sentence without changing the meaning of the first one. 1. I’ve known Jack si...