lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013


Read the text and the instructions to the questions very carefully. Answer all the questions in English.
If you adopt a dog, you and your new pet will spend the first couple of weeks "getting to know one another". He doesn't know why he has come to your home or what is expected of him. Please be patient with him and anticipate problems before they occur. Don't leave tempting shoes, clothing, or children's toys within reach of your dog. If he is left out in your backyard while you work, please understand the first few days will be rough on him. Try to leave the home with as little fanfare as possible. Tearful goodbyes do nothing but add to your dog’s anxiety.
When he’s first settling in, your dog may experience shyness, anxiety, restlessness, excitement, crying or barking. He may exhibit excessive water drinking, frequent urination, or diarrhoea. His appetite may not be good. If any of these symptoms last more than a few days, call your veterinarian.
Your new dog must learn a whole set of new rules. Be patient and be consistent. If you want him off the furniture, don't allow him to sit on the couch "sometimes". Don't allow him to do something one time and forbid it another.
A training lesson with your dog half-an-hour a day will teach him the simple obedience commands so necessary in having a well-behaved pet. Just as we must teach our children manners, so we must also teach our pet.
Within a week or two, your dog will have settled into his new home and his new routine. Some will take a little longer. Very few are unable to adjust at all.
1. Write a summary of the text in English, including the most important points, using your own words whenever possible (maximum 50 words, 1 point).

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