miércoles, 31 de enero de 2024


As I have mentioned in class, the titles below are for you to choose and read. There are copies in the library but not enough for all of you to read at the same time so you shouldn't have them for a long time in order to allow others to read them.  In case you want to buy your own copy, they are all from Burlington Books.

1st BACH A

                                                                         1st BAC D

The following titles can also be found in the library ( about 10-12 copies each). They are full books, not adapted like the ones before. I would like to encourage those who like reading to pick one of them. If you find them too hard or long, you can always go for the easy ones.



Readers 1 !ESO NON BIL


martes, 30 de enero de 2024


I know some of you are having a hard time studying irregular verbs. We are almost there!!! If you click on the picture below you can practise with this game created by Jorge QC 

It is really long, so don't even start if you have something important to do in the next hour 😅😅 and if you make a mistake it will take you to the first one again. But it is good for revision before the exam.


They are shorter, I promise!

Present Simple or Continuous. 1st ESO

In the game below prepared by          Andreaaa179      you can go on practising the differences between Present Simple and Continuous 


For and against essay. 1st BAC

 As I have mentioned before, the best way to improve your writing is practising. Before that, you should get familiar with the model and read a good bunch of examples. Reread the ones in your student's book, the one below and you can have a look at others uploaded before in this blog 

viernes, 26 de enero de 2024

Trip to London.

 Autorizacións para viaxar.

A información correcta de profesores acompañantes e os seus DNIs está no ABALAR enviado o día 17 a todas as familias.

Na copia en papel falta o DNI dun dos profesores. 

viernes, 19 de enero de 2024

Translate into English. 1 Bac Unit 3

1.     Ofrecemos envío gratuíto aos clientes cuxos pedidos sexan de alomenos 40€


2.     Os meus vaqueros favoritos, que merquei só hai un ano, quédanme demasiado curtos agora.


3.     Grazas ao seguemento de envío sei o día no que se supón que chegará o paquete.


4.     O libro que estou a ler é sobre como as campañas publicitarias afectan aos adolescentes.

5.     Sandra, que cree na idea do apoio ao comercio local, nunca merca por internet.


6.     Fixerámos a reserva (habíamos hecho) con antelación porque o restaurante servía comida riquísima e ademáis tiña vistas. Sen dúbida foi unha gran idea.


7.     Sabía a primeira vista se o peixe estaba fresco. Esa era a razón pola que o mandaban sempre de compras.


8.     Non te fies de alguén que che debe cartos e non tenta devolverchos. 

martes, 16 de enero de 2024


One of my students from 1 Bac D, Santiago, was really lucky to have visited both New York ans San Francisco recently. This morning I asked him a few questions about his trip. I wondered what landmark had impressed him the most. He didn't choose a landmark but the amount of homeless people he had encountered. I mentioned "fentanyl" and some students didn't know much about it
You can read an article on the issue from El Pais English



domingo, 7 de enero de 2024

Happy New Year!!! Just for a laugh!

"In the Ghetto" (originally titled "The Vicious Circle") is a 1969 song written by Mac Davis and recorded by Elvis Presley. It was a major hit released in 1969 as a part of Presley's comeback album.

As the snow fliesOn a cold and gray Chicago mornin'A poor little baby child ...   ......In the ghetto(In the ghetto)
And his mama cries'Cause if there's one thing that she ....... .......It is another hungry mouth .... ............In the ghetto(In the ghetto)
People, don't you understandThe child needs a helping handOr he'll grow to be an angry young man some dayTake a look at you and meAre we ..... ....... to see?
Do we simply turn our headsAnd look the other way
Well, the world turnsAnd a hungry little boy with a runny nosePlays in the street as the cold wind .........In the ghetto(In the ghetto)
And his hunger burnsSo he starts to roam the streets at nightAnd he learns how  ...  ........And he learns how   ...  ........In the ghetto(In the ghetto)
Then one night in desperationThe young man breaks awayHe buys a  ...., steals a  .....
Tries to run, but he don't get farAnd his mama cries
As a crowd "........... 'round an angry young manFace down on the street with a gun in his handIn the ghetto(In the ghetto)
And as her young man dies(In the ghetto)On a cold and gray Chicago mornin'Another little baby child is bornIn the ghetto(In the ghetto)
And his mama cries.
There are a lot of cover versions as you can see in the link to the wikipedia but they have forgotten the one below. After listening to it, you will feel your English is great! Happy New Year!

Just for a laugh! Silent letters

A friend sent me this video a few days ago and I thougt it was really funny.  Since many words students have problems with are mentioned,  I...