lunes, 30 de mayo de 2022

A travel post. Travel blogs

The writing activity in this unit is for you to write a travel post. It is true we haven't travelled much lately but others have, so we can find inspiration in their experiences  and who knows... maybe, in a few years you may end up writing your own blog. Shall we have a look at some?

Nomadic Matt's favourite blogs 



Travelling with the whole family?      Some make it possible. 

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2022

Reported Speech

Reported Speech

Translation.Revision Reported speech. 4 ESO BIL

Dixéronnos que chegarían tarde á festa porque tiñan que rematar un traballo.

Animounos a tirar o cartón no contenedor do papel.
Ofrecéronse a mercar as bebidas. Dixémoslles que tiñamos bastantes.
Preguntámoslle se atopara as chaves. Acababa de atopalas.
Sugeriu que reciclaramos as latas. Díxenlle que tamén facía compost coas peles e cáscara de ovos.
Díxolle que se  quedara sen gasolina e que non sabía como seguir.
Prometou  que  gardaría o  segredo, que non llo contaría a ninguén.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2022


We may not get as far as Boyan Slat but there are other easy ways to protect the Environment: Reducing, Recycling, Reusing. And that is what we want to do 

at IES ROU. 
4th ESO students are encouraging the school community to give their clothes a second life. 
If you want to participate, bring clothes that are clean and in good condition to exchange for other items for you or your family. Add your name and group to the bag and 
you will be given a voucher for a maximum of 5 items. 
Leftover clothing will be donated to Caritas Teis. 
Some students have started to bring stuff, the market will be opened next Monday! 
Come and have a look!


Boyan Slat. Cleaning up the oceans. 4th ESO

The text we read in class about Boyan Slat mentioned the Tedx Talk that went viral and helped him raise a lot of money to start "The Ocean Cleanup".  Does he add information to what you already knew?

If you are interested in what he has achieved so far, watch the next video. 

Just for a laugh! Silent letters

A friend sent me this video a few days ago and I thougt it was really funny.  Since many words students have problems with are mentioned,  I...