lunes, 25 de enero de 2021

Opinion essay

We have already practised with opinion essays but I think you may need to revise before exams so have a look at this example created by  Bautista Ramos and shared by

Opinion essay

domingo, 24 de enero de 2021

'One Day More' of President Trump - Les Misérables parody

How could I possibly miss it? You may know now that I am kind of fan of J. Corden and Les Mis. So great combination.

More on "Les Mis" in the following infographic


jueves, 21 de enero de 2021

What must be done.

This is the beginning of an interesting article signed by Bernie Sanders about the situation in the USA and how to change things for the better.  
                                    B. Sanders launching presidential campaign 2020
                                                                                                      Photograph Reuters

 A record-breaking 4,000 Americans are now dying each day from Covid-19, while the federal government fumbles vaccine production and distribution, testing and tracing. In the midst of the worst pandemic in 100 years, more than 90 million Americans are uninsured or underinsured and can’t afford to go to a doctor when they get sick. The isolation and anxiety caused by the pandemic has resulted in a huge increase in mental illness. 

Over half of American workers are living paycheck to paycheck, including millions of essential workers who put their lives on the line every day. More than 24 million Americans are unemployed, underemployed or have given up looking for work, while hunger in this country is at the highest level in decades.

Because of lack of income, up to 40 million Americans face the threat of eviction, and many owe thousands in back rent. This is on top of the 500,000 who are already homeless.

Meanwhile, the wealthiest people in this country are becoming much richer, and income and wealth inequality are soaring. Incredibly, during the pandemic, 650 billionaires in America have increased their wealth by more than $1tn.

miércoles, 20 de enero de 2021

This is the photo of the day

 J Biden is the new president of the USA, all the TVs, newspapers,  etc are publishing his speech and all the details of the inauguration day. Lady Gaga in her magnificent dress was there singing the national anthem as so was J. López but for me this is the photo of the day. Kamala Harris was so thrilled and happy that I just loved that moment after she had sworn in as vice president.

And now work is waiting, sooo muuuch work!!!  MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!

For the Gaga fans...

martes, 19 de enero de 2021

Popular youtuber moves to Andorra to avoid paying taxes

 Do you know him?

He is the best-known youtuber in our country and one of the most followed worldwide. Rubén Doblas, better known as El Rubius, has more than 40 million followers on his YouTube channel and his own # 0 animated series, ‘Virtual Hero’. During the morning of January 18, El Rubius has once again become a trend in the networks, but this time, not because of the content of any of his videos.

El Rubius moves his residence to Andorra He  has confirmed that he will  settle in Andorra with his partner. « I’m going to move in with my wife, it’s already been decided. To a very nice house, near the mountains and near my friends. I needed a change », said the youtuber in one of his live shows. He is not the first to do so; other well-known faces of the gamer world such as Willyrex or Vegetta also moved to the neighboring country to avoid paying taxes in our country.

Had you heard /read about it?
What is your opinion on the issue?
Do you think they are doing the right thing?

domingo, 17 de enero de 2021

Two female judges shot dead in Kabul as wave of killings continues. ·3 ESO A

 We will soon be reading "The Breadwinner" by Deborah Ellis. Before that I would like you to find out   about the country: history, religion, culture,  government, women...

The text is an extract from today's newspaper,, the whole article at the bottom

whole article The Guardian

More on the issue

jueves, 7 de enero de 2021

Passive Voice. 2 BAC

The following text is an extract from the  cnn. about the the events at the Capitol  Full article

The passive voice is very commonly used in written English. Can you identify it in the text?

Let's change gears to something less upsetting. Go over the presentation you also have on the virtual classroom and answer questions on the slides 6 to 8

Watch how the events unfolded during the Capitol riots. 2 BAC

What happened at the Capitol yesterday?
Watch how the events unfolded during the Capitol riots.

Mike Pence, still Vice President on the riots

And Trump goes on...

James Corden starts The Late Night Show reflecting on what was a dark day. 

lunes, 4 de enero de 2021

3 ESO Weird festivals

Have you read the travel magazine article on page 36? 

Would you like to learn more about the weird festival in Thailand?

  1. According to tradition the Monkey is considered a ............
  2. The Monkey Hanuman is the symbol of .............. and ..............   ..................
  3. The first purpose of the festival is ....  ..........  ......  .............
  4. The second is ..... ........ .........................
  5. According to a local the monkeys belong to  ...........  .................. ........................ 
  6. Do monkeys cause any problems in the town? Which ones?
  7. Would you like to travel to Lopburi? Why? Why not?
  8. Do you know anyone who has been there? What questions would you ask him/her?

Just for a laugh! Silent letters

A friend sent me this video a few days ago and I thougt it was really funny.  Since many words students have problems with are mentioned,  I...