domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2019

For and against Essay

Once you have the structure clear and you have also chosen the suitable linkers, you should read some examples of argumentative essays. Apart from the ones your books provide, there are 

jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2019


Students A watch the first minute of the scene with no sound and describe it to their B partners who won't be facing the screen, And then, switch roles. 
Describe what you see as much as you can. Not only actions, the way they move, what they are wearing, the atmosphere, what you can guess about the people, their feelings, time, country, etc.
They should then be allowed to watch the whole scene so they can check if the description they heard from their classmates was accurate.
The scene was  taken from the film "Parasite".  In the segment you will  watch the scene with comments from director Bong Joo Ho, who narrates a sequence from his film.

There are lots of scenes commented mostly by their directors on Anatomy of a scene (USEFUL LINKS IN THIS BLOG) a great section of THE NEW YORK TIMES


martes, 12 de noviembre de 2019

Let's play and learn. 2 ESO

For my dear students who are not great at English but can be in the future!!!
Resultado de imagen de fotos familias diferentes dibujos libres derechosMembers of the family

Para practicar familia e posesivos.
 How many family names can you hear? Cantos nomes de familia podes escoitar?
Write them down in your notebook.

Resultado de imagen de fotos familias diferentes dibujosHow many possessive adjectives? Cantos posesivos? (O meu, o teu...)
 Write them  in your notebook!!!

Where are the following landmarks? Onde están estos edificios emblemáticos?

Can you find out the countries? Podes buscar os  países?
Resultado de imagen de debuxo big ben free of rights

She has also climbed Mount Everest. 9 times!!! and set a world record.

At the weekend when I have some time and read international press I find articles that could be interesting, inspiring, moving for you.  Sometimes I upload them even with the certainty they are not going to be read. Other times we do use them in class.  In this case I had decided to leave it aside but reading one of the texts in class about the teenager who had reached the top of Mount Everest I remembered LHAKPA SHERPA: an inspiring woman who has achieved a world record but needs her job washing dishes to make a living.
It is surely too difficult for some of you, but you can give it a try.

Lhakpa Sherpa in Talcott Mountain State Park in Simsbury, Connecticut, where she hikes to prepare for her 10th summit of Everest in the spring of 2020.
Photograph: Kayana Szymczak/The Guardian
I was moved by her words at the end of the article. 

“I would like to hide in the mountain,” Lhakpa confesses on our descent, aware of her humble circumstances. “But I have to show my face here.”

Robinson Crusoe in Levels 2 ESO

From the website I have included  the link to ROBINSON CRUSOE. This is an adaptation in three levels of  the book written by Daniel Defoe

domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2019

domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2019


We have already talked about this tense but we are going to revise it again. The grammar in this unit is not going to be a problem compared how hard it was the revision of all the other tenses.

Future Continuous Forma : will be + V-ing 
Se usa para hablar de acciones que se pondrán/estarán en marcha en un momento determinado del futuro. Para expresar lo que estárá ocurriendo en un momento determinado del futuro:
      At this time next week we´ll watching a film.
     A esta hora, la semana que viene estaremos viendo una película... 
Presta atención a las expresiones de tiempo: “At this time tomorrow, in five months...
Resultado de imagen de future continuous

And a new tense. Do not worry about it as it is not very common and it is similar in use to the Spanish form. 

Future Perfect   Forma: will have + Verbo participio pasado. 
  Se usa para indicar que una acción habrá terminado en un momento determinado o concreto  del futuro.
   ll have finished the project by tomorrow night. 
   Mañana por la noche habré terminado el trabajo
Resultado de imagen de future perfect

Have a look at the video I have posted for you. If you don't understand or pay attention to my explanation you can watch it as many times as you feel like or need.

Pronunciation of S : /s/,/z/, /iz/ 1 BACH

This is a tough part of the unit. The good part is that it won't be very important in exams. Unfortunately, next year the ABAU exam will include one questions about phonetics (something I totally disagree with) so we will start practising a bit to make it lighter next year.

Resultado de imagen de pronunciation of s, z, iz

I have found this interesting video explaining it. The first 3 minutes are enough and they seem so happy to be sharing it with us!!!

2 ESO. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon

 The Curious Incident of the Dog in: Haddon, Mark


This is the  beginning of the book I am planning to read with you. Have a look at the first two chapters and let me know.   
It is an option. I can find easier, abridged books for those who find it too difficult.
My plan is to buy them second-hand through iberlibro ( remember you can be sent books to your door from abroad) and hopefully, they will be paid by the school so they can be used by other students in the future. If that is not possible, I will ask you if you are  interested in buying them for the reasonable price of 4-5€
So, let's start:

2. It was 7 minutes after midnight. The dog was lying on the grass in the middle of the lawn in front of Mrs. Shears’s house. Its eyes were closed. It looked as if it was running on its side, the way dogs run when they think they are chasing a cat in a dream. But the dog was not running or asleep. The dog was dead. There was a garden fork sticking out of the dog. The points of the fork must have gone all the way through the dog and into the ground because the fork had not fallen over. I decided that the dog was probably killed with the fork because I could not see any other wounds in the dog and I do not think you would stick a garden fork into a dog after it had died for some other reason, like cancer, for example, or a road accident. But I could not be certain about this.

 I went through Mrs. Shears’s gate, closing it behind me. I walked onto her lawn and knelt beside the dog. I put my hand on the muzzle of the dog. It was still warm.
 The dog was called Wellington. It belonged to Mrs. Shears, who was our friend. She lived on the opposite side of the road, two houses to the left.

 Wellington was a poodle. Not one of the small poodles that have hairstyles but a big poodle. It had curly black fur, but when you got close you could see that the skin underneath the fur was a very pale yellow, like chicken.

 I stroked Wellington and wondered who had killed him, and why.

 3. My name is Christopher John Francis Boone. I know all the countries of the world and their capital cities and every prime number up to 7,057. Eight years ago, when I first met Siobhan, she showed me this picture
and I knew that it meant “sad,” which is what I felt when I found the dead dog. Then she showed me this picture
and I knew that it meant “happy,” like when I’m reading about the Apollo space missions, or when I am still awake at 3 a.m. or 4 a.m. in the morning and I can walk up and down the street and pretend that I am the only person in the whole world. Then she drew some other pictures
                                                😯 😕😐
but I was unable to say what these meant. I got Siobhan to draw lots of these faces and then write down next to them exactly what they meant. I kept the piece of paper in my pocket and took it out when I didn’t understand what someone was saying. But it was very difficult to decide which of the diagrams was most like the face they were making because people’s faces move very quickly. When I told Siobhan that I was doing this, she got out a pencil and another piece of paper and said it probably made people feel very and then she laughed. So I tore the original piece of paper up and threw it away. And Siobhan apologized. And now if I don’t know what someone is saying, I ask them what they mean or I walk away.

Just for a laugh! Silent letters

A friend sent me this video a few days ago and I thougt it was really funny.  Since many words students have problems with are mentioned,  I...