This blog has been created to share news, projects, videos and everything I may find interesting with my students. I will also upload their work and anything I consider useful for them to improve their English. Everybody is welcome. Formerly known as Englishasbarxas, I have now adopted the name of my new school: IES ROU. PALMIRA CALVAR
martes, 26 de diciembre de 2017
1 ESO. Noa talks about her family
This is the fantastic Noa's oral presentation. She used her mobile phone. Well done!
jueves, 21 de diciembre de 2017
Estela's memories from primary school
During the first term the students from 3 ESO prepared oral presentations about memorable moments at school. Listen to what Estela has chosen to share with us.
domingo, 17 de diciembre de 2017
1 ESO Completa na copia en papel que che darán.
Lyrics 1 Eso A. Complete listening to the audio in the last post :
Englishasbarxas. Then check in the post from 4th december. Also blog.
Hopefully you will be given a copy to complete the text with the words missing.
I ............ want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I .............
I about the presents
Underneath the Christmas ...........
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my ........ come true oh
All I want for .................... is you
There is just one thing I .............
I about the presents
Underneath the Christmas ...........
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my ........ come true oh
All I want for .................... is you
I ............. .......... a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I ............., and I
.............. care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I don't need to hang my stocking
There upon the ....................
Santa Claus won't make me happy
With a toy on Christmas day
There is just one thing I ............., and I
.............. care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I don't need to hang my stocking
There upon the ....................
Santa Claus won't make me happy
With a toy on Christmas day
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever ................
Make my .............. come true
All I want for Christmas is you
More than you could ever ................
Make my .............. come true
All I want for Christmas is you
I won't ask for much this Christmas
I won't even wish for .............., and I
I just wanna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe
I won't even wish for .............., and I
I just wanna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe
I won't ............. a list and send it
To the North Pole for Saint Nick
I won't even stay awake
To hear those .............. reindeer click
To the North Pole for Saint Nick
I won't even stay awake
To hear those .............. reindeer click
'Cause I just want you here tonight
Holding on to me so tight
What more can I do
Oh, Baby all I want for ................ is you
Holding on to me so tight
What more can I do
Oh, Baby all I want for ................ is you
All the ................. are shining
So brightly everywhere
And the sound of children's
Laughter fills the ........
So brightly everywhere
And the sound of children's
Laughter fills the ........
And everyone is ................
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa won't you bring me
The one I really need
Won't you please bring my baby to me quickly
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa won't you bring me
The one I really need
Won't you please bring my baby to me quickly
I don't want a lot for Christmas
This is all I'm asking for
I just wanna see my baby
Standing right outside my door
This is all I'm asking for
I just wanna see my baby
Standing right outside my door
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby all I want for Christmas is you
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby all I want for Christmas is you
All I want for Christmas is you, baby
viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2017
Students from Saftas group Eramus + interview Miguel de Lira.
This interview was made during the Olloboi Festival this year. It was edited and subtitles added during the first term. Glad to share!
jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2017
House Desaforado Entrevista Celso Parada
A group of students from SAFTAS, ERASMUS+ have just edited the short documentary in which they interviewed Celso Parada, a Galician actor from Moaña.
Well done lads!
sábado, 9 de diciembre de 2017
- Aínda non falei con el porque ando moi ocupada.
- Xa fixo as maletas e está lista para marchar
- Acabo de achegalo a Moaña. - Ía andando?
- Canto levas aí? Só uns minutos.
- Ainda non perdeu ningún partido ata agora.
- Levo aforrado toda a miña paga durante seis meses para mercar un móbil novo. Aínda non teño suficiente. Non me podo permitir un Iphone.
- Non o fagas! Eu pedinlle prestado a miña irmá para mercar un e aínda nun fun capaz de devolverlle os cartos.
- Cres que vale a pena mercalo? A verdade é que non. Hoxe en día tes gangas noutras marcas.
- Non comín dende ás 12. Estou morrendo de fame pero deixei a carteira na casa. -Non te preocupes, podo prestarche.
- Aínda non tirei o vestido da voda así que o podería levar outra vez.
martes, 5 de diciembre de 2017
Friends - The "I Hate Rachel Green Club" [ Brad Pitt ]
Maybe some of you are watching friends after lunch since they are showing the sitcom again. I used to be a fan long time ago. As I always tell you a great way to improve your English.
You Know how often I use Brad Pitt's name in examples such as:
I am meeting Brad Pitt for dinner. (Agenda plans)
At 10 I will be having dinner with Brad Pitt. (Something happening at an specific moment in the future. It must be in Spain. Nobody has dinner that late in USA)
So he is not having dinner with me but with THEM. Enjoy the scene. He was gorgeous!!! don't you think?
domingo, 3 de diciembre de 2017
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Just for a laugh! Silent letters
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Video and explanation of the future forms and uses
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