domingo, 19 de febrero de 2017



1.-Pode que me atope con ela esta noite. -E serás capaz de falarlle?
2.Deberiamos recordarlle ás autoridades que hai demasiados refuxiados esperando por axuda. A xente fíxoo onte en Barcelona.
3.-Non fai falta que veñas a verme todos os días.- Debería ter sabido que non dicía a verdade.
4. Parece que aprobou as matemáticas. Debe ter estudiado durante semanas xa que non entendía nada.
5.Poderiamos invitalos a quedarse aínda que  non temos camas de sobra.

martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

Foucellas by Talía Teatro

I guess I forgot to share with you this short documentary we made at the end of the first term and uploaded  just before travelling to Angers. This is one of the  activities we do in our ERASMUS+ project.

We will include the subtitles in Galician as soon as we have some free time. Would you like to help?

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017


Watch the movie segment. Speculate about the reasons why the main character and her daughter are leaving everything behind in such a hurry. What might have happened?


domingo, 5 de febrero de 2017

The film "Tarde para la ira " by Raúl Arévalo gets 3 Goyas

A week ago in Angers, France, we saw the film "Tarde para la ira" which I had already seen and enjoyed in Spain. We had the opportunity to talk to Raúl Arévalo and wished him luck. 

Goya Awards: 'Fury of a Patient Man' Takes Top Prize as 'A Monster Calls' Nearly Sweeps With 9 Prizes

MADRID (AP) — Actor-turned-director Raul Arevalo's first film, "The Fury of a Patient Man," won best picture and he was honored for best directorial debut and best original screenplay at the 31st Spanish Film Academy's Goya Awards.
Arevalo, 37, shared the screenplay award Saturday night with David Pulido for co-writing the dark thriller.
While "Fury" took the biggest prize, Juan Antonio Bayona's "A Monster Calls" swept up nine awards, including best director for Bayona and many of the technical awards. The film, which stars Liam Neeson, Felicity Jones and Sigourney Weaver, tells the story of a troubled boy whose nightmares become very real.

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A MONSTER CALLS - Official Trailer [HD] - In Theaters December 2016

Hi, some may have seen the Goya awards ceremony last Saturday. Well If you did, you will know this film won 9 awards. I haven't seen it yet. What about you?

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2017

Just for a laugh! Silent letters

A friend sent me this video a few days ago and I thougt it was really funny.  Since many words students have problems with are mentioned,  I...