lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

3º ESO

  •  At the beginning of this scene you can clearly see how they use present perfect and present perfect continuous. Also the use of yet and already. Great for revision!

  •  Why is Sheldon saying: "I am deleting it"?

  • Conditionals:

If they didn't want to be yelled at by crazy nerds, they.....

Does this conditional sentence follow the pattern studied in class? Find out why.

  •  You will hear  synonyms  of the following words:
thankful                    invent               embrace
Write them down so you can remember them

  • Make sure you get the meaning of the following words
get rid of
hang up on
No wonder

  • What does Sheldon think of the resolution of "Alphas"?

A quick way to get to the office!!!

Watch the video

What little animal do they look like?
What speed did they travel at?
What two sports were combined here?

deploy = desplegar          barge = barcaza
I have added a new link to the USEFUL LINKS section

It contains short texts about different topics. They  come in 3 levels and there is a good thing about them: you can also listen to them so it is great to improve your pronunciation!.

domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014

There is no age if you have a goal

Hi there!
I have just decided what I want to do when I am a bit older!
Watch the video to find out.

Make sure you understand the words-sentences, fill in the blanks with a synonym of the  words in brackets and watch it again!

____________(while) people enjoy what we are doing and we give people pleasure...
Oh- my -God!


I  __________________(am sorry)for what I did…

I am so proud of you

I had been a dancer from the age of 2 and a half and _______________ ( stopped) ...

I just kept thinking of her when you were being thrown around…


You gave everything up to _____________(take care) us…

However old you are, you can still be spectacular and beautiful and do something  amazing...

I pray to God that I am like you when I am your age

This is something  I have never seen before.

Just for a laugh! Silent letters

A friend sent me this video a few days ago and I thougt it was really funny.  Since many words students have problems with are mentioned,  I...