jueves, 21 de octubre de 2021

Traslate 4 ESO BIL

 1. Ás 5:30 probablemente estaremos a coller o tren para Porto. Acabamos de decidir que é unha boa opción.

2. É tan atrevida que estou segura se apuntará para as clases de Voo con traxe de ás. Non me importaría ir tamén.

3. Aínda que meus pais anímanme a que faga rafting, sempre evitei facer deportes de risco.

4. E o próximo mes imos facer 'puenting' . unha amiga dime que non nos arrepentiremos de probar esta experiencia

5. É unha persoa valente e encantadora pero tan humilde que non recoñecerá estes méritos.

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2021

Passive Voice 4 ESO

As I promised this morning,  a quick video by Bautista Ramos to learn how passive voice works. You can find lots of interesting stuff in https://aulasgalegas.org/

How Being a War Reporter Got Me Kidnapped…Twice 4 ESO


 Looking for videos to go a bit further into the issue of war reporters I found this documentary. I was going to use the beginning in class but then I thought that the one about the American reporter we watched this morning was more appropriate. I haven't had time to watch it all. I would like to mention that according to what I have read it may be disturbing but really interesting as well. 
It is narrated by Jeremy Irons, a famous British actor with an amazing voice.


lunes, 18 de octubre de 2021

Tasks for Tuesday 19th

 I am not feeling well, my head is about to explode so I'm not coming to school  today but here you will find some activities to keep you busy this morning.

4th ESO Bil 8.20 class 26

Read the text on page 17 and complete exercise 3

Copy the safety instructions exercise 1  page 19 in your notebooks. Make sure you understand them.

For those who need more grammar exercises, go to the post below.

4 ESO NON BIL  AULA 27  2 hora

Do exercise 10 on Page 15 in your notebooks 

And then write true  answers for yourselves.

Read the text on page 17 and do exercise 3

2 Bach D at 10.30

Exercises 1 and 2/page 14

Exercise one page 19

Make sure you have answered Questions 4, 5,7  On page 10 about the text we listened to in class for Friday

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2021

Future tenses 4 ESO

 Some of you have problems with the future tenses. Have a look at the short video provided by the British Council and the explanation that follows. I am sure it will help.

Future Tenses Exercises 4ºESO

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2021

Wingsuit flights 4 ESO

I have flown like that many times, in my dreams. Not from such high mountains as the ones in the videos, just from the balcony on the third floor and I used to land not far from home. It was just to avoid the stairs, I guess. The view was not as spectacular as the ones in the videos but it was nice as I could easily  see the sea during my short flight. Well, it seems I might be able to do it for real soon. I just need some training...